Country Specific Whois Database

We provide country specific WHOIS database in both general (.csv) & cleaned (.xlsx) format. You will receive WHOIS records based on the domain registrant's country like US, UK, Canada, Australia etc.

In cleaned database we delete privacy protected domains, duplicate telephone numbers / emails & incorrect numbers (numbers less than actual digits of particular country) etc.

Country Specific Whois Database Features

In this below listed database we provide download of our entire WHOIS database in CSV format.
You will receive WHOIS DATA of all the domain names we have ever monitored.
Each whois record containing contact details (Name, Email, Phone & more) of the domain owner, whenever available.
The full database is divided by month by month, that means you get month wise data of your selected country.
After payment files will be delivered within 1 business hours, if you wants to get the data first than just drop an email with payment confirmation on whoid database email, we will try to give you the files ASAP.

Want Complete Whois Database?

Get our full whois database from January-2014 to till date, around 598,692,577 domains from all countries for just $9999. Buy Now

Popular Country Specific Whois Database

Country Name Total Domains Price Purchase
united_states  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 134155899$2999
canada  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 25231548$1599
japan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 12923093$1599
united_kingdom  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 9683293$1599
india  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 7782071$1599
australia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 5981261$1599
turkey  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 4694164$1599
france  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 5429534$1599
germany  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 4912989$1599
spain  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 3620739$1599
indonesia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2562046$1599
russian_federation  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2575421$1599
brazil  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2887936$1599
italy  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 3016763$1599
hong_kong  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2610478$1399
netherlands  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 3538609$1399
vietnam  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2183046$1299
romania  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 599645$1299
switzerland  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 1291596$1299
philippines  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 1121496$1299
colombia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 936070$1299
czech_republic  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 601429$1299
ukraine  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 1002927$1299
united_arab_emirates  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 698952$1299
pakistan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 878771$1299
nigeria  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 860952$1299
iran  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 768908$1299
sweden  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 842006$1299
singapore  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 2316355$1299
israel  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 549947$1299
peru  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 607026$1299
bangladesh  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 505030$1299
portugal  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 501434$1299
ireland  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 396661$1299
greece  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 343980$1299
armenia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 101147$1299
bulgaria  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 282876$1299
morocco  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 345810$1299
hungary  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 391029$1299
dominican_republic  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 200977$1299
afghanistan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 152956$1299
albania  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 69524$1299
algeria  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 95788$1299
tunisia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 104019$1299
moldova  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 32944$1299
myanmar  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 35566$1299
china  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 68049296$1599
panama  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 18663191$1599
iceland  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 3149245$1599
malaysia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 1651455$1299
mexico  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 1595351$1299
new_zealand  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 981390$1299
thailand  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 972374$1299
poland  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 889887$1299
bahamas  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 686424$1299
cayman_islands  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 648987$1299
argentina  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 618251$1299
belgium  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 577529$1299
south_africa  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 540279$1299
egypt  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 457678$999
austria  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 453579$999
norway  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 372217$999
denmark  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 372175$999
cambodia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 368309$999
saudi_arabia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 354985$999
chile  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 241721$999
cyprus  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 234058$999
finland  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 230870$999
ecuador  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 192128$999
estonia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 176586$999
kenya  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 168560$999
sri_lanka  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 146351$999
venezuela  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 128627$999
ghana  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 120375$999
jordan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 112999$999
seychelles  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 101635$999
lithuania  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 92866$999
slovenia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 85742$999
kuwait  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 85418$999
serbia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 77998$999
qatar  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 73770$999
belarus  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 72346$999
slovakia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 71898$999
bolivia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 60966$999
kazakstan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 59431$999
iraq  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 53483$999
uganda  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 53455$999
georgia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 49770$999
cameroon  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 46732$999
bahrain  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 43774$999
senegal  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 40897$999
oman  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 40574$999
angola  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 28207$999
mongolia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 13948$999
somalia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 11016$999
ethiopia  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 10672$999
liechtenstein  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 10024$999
tajikistan  {Domains Registered From January-2014 to February-2025} 6958$999